Lot of 1 small mushroom / shroom / fungus tube electrode filled with Helium gas Lot not include darsonval device or Tesla coil that used in photo and video for demonstration. Made in Ukraine on Factory "Gasotron" where most nixie tubes was made in ex-USSR. Approximately date of manufacture is 2001 year The fact that the gas was preserved in the lamps at a standard concentration indicates the high quality of the electrode. It is also much longer than modernmade electrodes made (mostly made in China) and reach 18 cm long while others are max 15 cm. "Mushroom" head is 32 mm in diameter. Diameter of whole electrode is 1 cm and it perfectly fits to device "Corona" that made in Ukraine too. Also you can use this electrodes for some DIY, also they easy to melt and made some handmade figurines by melting... Small mushroom electrode (fungus) in Darsonval Corona Peculiarities: Electrode Mushroom. Suitable for working on the face and body. Effective in combating skin problems and cellulite. Enhances nutrition of skin cells and relieves puffiness. Improves the color and appearance of facial skin. Improves the tone of aging skin. The electrode must be disinfected and used only dry. It is impossible to boil the electrodes, as this can lead to a violation of the vacuum and their failure. After completing the procedures, the electrode must be wiped with a damp swab and then disinfected with a disinfectant solution when using the device individually. General information about darsonvalisation: Darsonval is a device for influencing the tissues of the human body with a pulsed, rapidly decaying current of high frequency, high voltage and low current. Named after the inventor, French physiologist and physicist Arsene D'Arsonval. One of the most characteristic effects of using darsonval is a vegetative-vascular reaction. Developing according to the axon reflex mechanism, it is accompanied by increased microcirculation, dilation of arterioles and capillaries, elimination of vascular spasms, decreased blood pressure, and changes in vascular permeability. At the same time, the activity of the venous system improves - the tone of the vein walls increases, venous stasis decreases and venous outflow increases. It is noteworthy that the cessation of vascular spasm and the expansion of their lumen occurs not only in the areas of the skin exposed to the effect, but also in the internal organs segmentally associated with these areas. Thus, the effect of darsonval on the heart area helps to dilate the coronary vessels, improve myocardial nutrition, and normalize the heart rhythm during tachycardia in patients with coronary heart disease with moderate severity. The antispastic effect of the device is manifested not only in the cessation of spasm of blood vessels and sphincters, but also in the reduction of pain caused by them. Capillary blood and lymph circulation improves, inflammatory foci resolve, and the efficiency of oxygen delivery to tissues increases. A spark discharge leads to the appearance of foci of microneuroses in the skin, which is accompanied by stimulation of phagocytosis and the release of biologically active substances and mediators. The products of protein breakdown entering the blood stimulate the humoral component of immunity, metabolic and trophic-regenerative processes. In addition, the spark discharge and ozone and nitrogen oxides formed in the near-electrode space can have bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects. Activation of blood circulation, including in the walls of the vessels themselves, improves their functional state, which, combined with the cessation of vascular spasm and ischemia, ensures an increase in the activity of metabolic and trophic processes, especially in the skin and subcutaneous tissues. As a result of stimulation of receptors in the affected area in the central nervous system and its autonomic centers, paresthesia, pain, and itching decrease or cease. Darsonval is widely used in cosmetic practice to improve the functional condition of the skin, prevent wrinkles, baldness (by reducing the function of the sweat and sebaceous glands, stimulating the proliferative activity of hair follicle cells).